Monday, April 5, 2021

Reinstate Your Amazon Account With Appeal Letter And Poa


Don't risk your account with low quality services and end up losing ASIN or Account

I will write an effective appeal letter and plan of action which will achieve the highest possible effectiveness with as much data and facts as possible.

I can help with reinstatement of a suspended account If your account is suspended due to:

  1. High ODR (Order Defect Ratio)
  2. Selling USED item as NEW
  3. “Account has complied with our policy”
  4. Trademark violation/infringement
  5. Copyright violation/infringement
  6. Review manipulation
  7. Product Detail Page not matching
  8. Malicious activity
  9. Suspension of your Buyer/Seller Messaging
  10. Section 3
  11. ASIN is suspension due to copyright violation
  12. ASIN Misuse violation
  13. Design patent violation

Note: I don't use copy-paste templates. I only work with Customised Appeal Letter + Plan of Action BUT still, there is no guarantee in this service of reinstatement of suspended account but CONFIDENCE.


: : : : :

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