Monday, June 1, 2020

Draft A Binding Contract Or Legal Document


Having the right terms and clauses in any legal document will protect you from legal eventualities and/or liabilities. This Gig offers drafting on any of the following types of legal documents:

  • Shareholders Agreement
  • Non-Compete Agreement
  • Non-Disclosure agreement
  • Employment Contract
  • Loan Agreement
  • Lease/Rent Agreement
  • Guarantee Agreement
  • Non-Circumvention Agreement
  • Services Agreement
  • Business Agreement
  • Partnership Agreement
  • Sale Agreement
  • Agency Agreement
  • Marketing Services Agreement
  • Consultancy Agreement
  • User Terms and Conditions
  • Privacy Policy
  • And many more.

You are guaranteed the utmost confidentiality and quality. Also, any modification suggested by you will be duly incorporated at no extra cost.

Kindly contact me before placing an order.


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