Friday, March 19, 2021

Write Or Check Your Contract


Depending on your requirements and need, I will be happy to:

  • check your draft contract before you send it to someone;
  • check a draft contract you've received from someone to assess if it's fair for you to sign or not;
  • read your signed contract and let you know what you have to do;
  • read your signed contract and let you know what your rights are; or
  • write a contract for you from scratch based on your specific instructions.

Message me today to get an offer based on the extent of work you require!

When you accept an offer, I will provide you with a draft deliverable as soon as possible, usually within the first 24 hours. I will keep in touch on daily basis to keep you up-to-date with the progress of your order. Most cases are complex and I am happy to offer unlimited revisions. I will also provide you with free post-completion advice to implement the solutions. Get in touch today!



Very good communication and timely service


Honest person, reliable and good in what he's doing. Fast as well! Recommended


Very helpful.


good communication, fast work


Quick and professional delivery

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