Thursday, March 11, 2021

Register Or Notify Your Cosmetic Products On Cpnp Or Amazon


Do you want to sell your cosmetic products in European countries ?

If yes, then you need to register your product on cosmetic product notification portal. If you do not how then I can assist you.

Cosmetic Product Notification Portal (CPNP)

The cosmetic products notification portal (CPNP) is an online notification system created for the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 on cosmetic products. When a product has been notified in the CPNP, there is no need for any further notification at national level within the EU.

On successful registration, you will receive a CPNP number that can be used around the Europe for marketing your product.

Services Offered

  • CPNP Registration Process
  • UK Notification Process
  • Product Information File (PIF)
  • Safety Report
  • Safety Assessment
  • Product Specification
  • EU Based Label Design
  • Packaging Design

Order Process

Please contact me before placing the order so that we can discuss your inquiry in detail.



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