Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Patent Check And Trademark Search For Your Product, Idea


Get my services to patent check for all Amazon Products!

To grow your business legally, it is essential to keep the track of all the privately labeled products that you are selling. Knowing whether they are patented or not is quite a technical thing and patent search is what I do the best. An experience of 5 long professional years has taught me to search the official patent database to dig out the published or pending patent related to your idea or product.

Why to get my services?

For a thorough and reliable patent search of both design and utility patent statuses worldwide (active, pending, expired or abandoned)

I can trace the patents with obscure languages by using keywords and patent classification

I don’t simply give a list of patent check for amazon for you to figure out on your own; I make sure that I provide a comprehensive finding of the whole patent research, clarifying the product as patented or non-patented.

I always maintain the confidentiality of my client’s product. And I am always ready to sign non-disclosure agreement (NDA) if required.

My Patent Check Requirements:

Product links (Amazon, ebay etc)

Images of the products


Thank you


Seller's Response:

mohsin did great work.I am working with him continuously and will continue to work with him

Seller's Response:

Thank you :)

Seller's Response:

Thank you, as usual, good job


Thanks and have a great time:)


Great Communicator, my third product checked. Really responsive and timely. Will use his services again.

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