Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Trademark Search For You


Hello there,

Will search and make sure your brand name is trademark free. Ensuring the name is open for the correct category and will also research similar names to make sure the industry is clear.


  1. Trademark search report indicating if your brand name can be protected.
  2. Opinion on overcoming issues, if found.


Seller's Response:

great work


Thank you for the amazing review!


he is very help full this is the second order, and i am willing to work with him all the time, as he delivers his service effective and on point. i would totally recommend his services to any one who is in need as he provides the required service. in addition to his service, if you are confused, dont know or have questions he is willing to answer or educate you. earlier i mentioned this is the second order. first order was patent search second order was trade mark and logo search, i did not understand many of the information that was provided in the article, i had no choice but to ask him questions, he responded to each questions and TRIED educate me to best of his ability. thank you!!!

: :

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