Sunday, May 16, 2021

File Your International Design Application


Registering an international design through WIPO, more specifically Hague System, is one of the most practical, quick and reasonably priced ways to protect your unique design. You can choose in which countries you want to protect it and can file up to 100 designs with only one application. 

What can we help you with: 


  • Explain to you how the Hague System works and what do you need to register it/them 


  • Preparing and filing your application


  • Preparing and filing your application
  • Handling of your application from start to finish 

NOTE: WIPO’s fees are not included in this gig. If you want an estimate of the total cost (together with WIPO fees) please don’t hesitate to contact us before ordering our services. In your inquiry please specify in which countries you are seeking protection. 

Prompt response from your end will be required for completing the registration within the time specified. 


: : : : :

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