Friday, October 30, 2020

Draft Nnn Agreement Confidential Agreement For You


To know more about me by visiting my twitter:

(1) I understand that in order to take immediate measures to cease infringing conduct and apply for injunction of freezing the infringer’s assets, it is suggested that jurisdiction should be Chinese court and governing law should be Chinese law;

 (2) I understand that Disclosure should be prohibited within any affiliated companies, but not just within a group;

 (3)I understand contractual damages is necessary. It can force the Receiving Party to note that it will face quantifiable consequences if it breaches the Agreement. Besides, a specific monetary amount provides for a specific minimum level of damages. But according to Chinese Contract law, “the total amount of compensatory damages shall be equivalent to the total losses sustained by the other party through the breach of contract, but this amount shall not exceed the total losses that the breaching party, at the time of concluding the contract, foresaw or should have foreseen would probably result from breach of contract”, we could determine a specific monetary amount in accordance with actual condition.



Really good as always


Alles bestens! Danke schön.


Vinci really helped me a lot figuring out the best solution for my needs


great job!!


Super Fast service as always

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