Friday, February 26, 2021

Advise You On Gdpr Via Zoom


Do you sometimes just want to chat through your Data Protection conundrums?  It might be that you have a quick question, or want to go more in-depth with your GDPR issues.

Whether it's a 15 minute chat, or the 60 minute conversation about your business, why not make a start now and get in touch.

I've got a Post Grad Cert in Data Protection Law from Northumbria Uni Law School as well as being a Certified Information Privacy Professional (Europe) - added to that my experience with marketing, I can help you ensure your business is operating legally.

I'm also a very good Agony Aunt and understand that sometimes it can be very stressful for businesses to get it right.



Exactly what I needed... many thanks!

: : : :

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